These 12 Simple Facial Yoga Exercises Will Help You Slim Down Your Face

There are certain yoga exercises that are great for slimming the face, and not only that, but also by training your facial muscles, and making certain facial expressions, you can remove the bags under your eyes. By doing face yoga, which is also called facial yoga (or yoga facial exercises) you will have a thinner and fresher face.
If you want to give them a try scroll down and let’s start learning some face yoga exercises, courtesy of Stylecraze.
If you want to transform your rounded or cherubic face into a more sultry, sculpted one try some of the yoga exercises below. Even though doing yoga isn’t the fastest way when it comes to slimming down it is actually a natural, painless and long-lasting process.
Face-slimming yoga exercises
1. Simha Mudra (Lion pose)
This is the ultimate pose that stimulates all of the facial muscles. And here is how to do it, first, kneel down and place your hands on the thighs. Then lower your jaw and open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out downwards, towards the chin. Breathe through the mouth and make a sound a sound from the throat that replicates the roar of a lion.
2. Jivha Bandha (Locked tongue pose)
If you want to shape your jawline, this one is perfect for you. The initial pose is lotus position, sit and place your hands on your lap and then place your tongue against the upper wall of your mouth. After that open your mouth until you feel a stretch in your throat and neck.
3. Jalandhar Bandha (Chin lock)
This pose is good for shaping your face and toning the jawline muscles, that’s why it is ideal for all of those people who have double chins. First, sit down in the lotus position, place the hands on your knees and bend forward. Then, press your chin firmly against your chest and in between your two collar bones in order to close your food pipe. Try holding your breath as long as possible.
4. Fish Face
Fish face is ideal for stretching your cheek muscles. You should suck your cheeks and lip inwards and try to replicate a fish face. Then try smiling while holding that face. You should feel a burn in your cheeks and jaw. Release and repeat the exercise.
5. Mouthwash technique
This exercise is also good for toning your cheeks. Start with filling your mouth with air and then transfer it from one corner to the other just like when cleansing your mouth with mouthwash. Repeat the exercise a couple of times.
6. Cheek uplift
Cheek Uplifts are ideal for reducing the fat in cheekbones and toning your face to make it look younger. Smile as wide as you can and place the index and middle fingers of your hands on both the cheeks. Then, with your fingers lift your cheeks towards your eyes and hold it there for several seconds.
7. Chin lift
These lifts will help you get rid of the double chin as well as tone your neck. First, tilt your head upwards and your eyes following the same. Then, tighten your lips and point them forward as if trying to kiss the ceiling. Hold the position for few seconds and repeat.
8. Neck Roll
This is one of the most effective ways to tone your chin, jawline, and neck muscles as well as to get rid of the double chin. While sitting, keep your head facing forward and then bend your head towards one side and turn your head in circular motion. You should constantly keep your spine straight while making circular motions in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions.
9. Lip Pull
The lip-pull exercise tones your facial muscles and shapes tour jawline. While standing, keep your head facing forward and then lift your lower lip as much as you can. At the same time push your lower jaw out until you feel a stretch in your chin muscles.
10. Jaw Release
First, sit down and move the jaw as if you are eating and breathe well through the nose while doing so. Then open your mouth with the tongue placed on your lower teeth. Hold this position a couple of seconds and release.
11. Eye Focus
For this exercise, that will make your eyebrows smooth, you should keep your eyes wide open. Make sure that your eyebrows are not wrinkled and stay in this position while being focused at a point in the distance. Keep the position around ten seconds and relax.
12. Blowing Air
Start with tilting your head backward and keeping your eyes directed towards the ceiling. Then, pull out your lips, blow air and keep doing this for 10 seconds. Finally, relax and repeat this exercise up to ten times.