Everything You Need To Know About Acne And How To Treat It

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If you have come across this page, then most probably you have tried an insane amount of acne treatments by now, such as skin-drying gels, ditching dairy, drowned your body weight in water, turmeric and honey masks?
We already are aware that acne remains largely a curse of adolescence but unfortunately for some, it doesn’t stop there.
According to WebMD, 20% of all acne cases occur in adults starting during puberty between the ages of 10 and 13. The teenage acne is likely to last for five to ten years. It normally goes away during the early 20s. In accordance with WebMD, acne is prone to show up to both sexes, nevertheless, boys are more prone to have the most severe cases.
Acne Vulgaris, what most of us refer to as acne, is a chronic skin condition. Acne forms when our pores become clogged with dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria.
In case you or someone you know is struggling with acne and you are curious to learn more about why acne occurs, what triggers and/or causes acne, the symptoms, types, treatment, and home remedies, below you are about to get the answers you have been looking for.
1.Causes and symptoms of acne
You have been struggling with whiteheads which are closed plugged pores, blackheads(open plugged pores,) small, red, tender bumps, pimples, large and painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin and you have been wondering why is your face acting up. Well, according to Mayo Clinic the mentioned above are the symptoms and signs you’re getting acne.
While, according to Mayo Clinic, the four main factors that cause acne are: excess oil production, hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells, bacteria, excess activity of a type of hormone(androgens.) Acnes are prone to appear in areas of skin which have the most oil (sebaceous) glands and those areas are your face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.
2. Types of Acne
Now that you learned the causes, symptoms, and signs of acne, it is time develop into discussion the types of acne. The key to a successful treatment is you identifying which type of acne you are experiencing.
According to Healthline acne may be noninflammatory or inflammatory. Subtypes of acne within these two categories include blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts. Since the chances are high that you may have multiple types of acne at once and some cases might even be severe, you should consider a visit to the dermatologist.
Noninflammatory acne
Noninflammatory acne includes blackheads and whiteheads which normally don’t cause swelling.
– Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called blackheads because the surface looks dark or black. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually form on the face, but they can also appear on the following body parts such as your back, chest, neck, arms, and shoulders.
– Whiteheads develop when dead skin cells, sebum (oil), and dirt clog your pores. Unlike blackheads, which can be pushed out, whiteheads are closed within the pore. This can make the treatment a bit more challenging.
Inflammatory acne
Pimples that are red and swollen are referred to as inflammatory acne. Although sebum and dead skin cells contribute to inflammatory acne, bacteria can also play a role in clogging up pores. Bacteria can cause an infection deep beneath the skin’s surface. This may result in painful acne spots that are hard to get rid of. There are different types of inflammatory acne depending on the size, redness, tenderness, and potential to scar. Those are papules, pustules, nodules, and cyst.
– Papules like all pimples are the result of an increase in oil and bacteria inside the pore trapped by dead skin cells. Your body’s immune system fights the infection with white blood cells, so papules are slightly inflamed.
– Pustules form when a plug deep inside a pore traps oil and bacteria, attracting white blood cells to fight the infection. Pustules have a yellow or white pus-filled center with a red base. The greater the inflammation, the redder and larger the pustule will be.
– Nodules are larger than pustules and papules and form deeper within the skin. They feel solid to the touch and can be quite painful. They develop when oil and bacteria deep inside pore spreads, infecting adjoining follicles. Nodules can harden into deep cysts and may leave deep scars, on many levels.
– Cysts acne often runs in families and may result in permanent scarring and disfigurement. It’s also most common in teenage boys and young men. Not sure how to treat nodular acne? Cystic acne, or any form of scarring acne, needs immediate attention from a dermatologist. A doctor will have the best solution for nodular acne treatment.
3. How to treat acne
Since everyone gets acne at some time, the right time to treat it is when it becomes bothersome or when the potential for scarring develops. This can be when severe acne flares suddenly, for mild acne that just won’t go away, or even when a single pimple decides to show up the week before one’s prom or wedding. Since acne appears under the skin, washing away surface oils does not do much to prevent or either cure it.
According to Sutter Health, acne treatment falls into three categories, cleansing and exfoliating, keeping it clear, medications.
Cleansing & Exfoliating
According to Sutter Health, you can start by using a mild cleanser such as Cetaphil, or an acne cleanser such as Aveeno acne bar, Neutrogena Acne Wash or Benzoyl peroxide 5 percent bar. In order for you to have a healthy skin removing the layer of dead skin cells is important and you can achieve this by exfoliating. Right after finishing with washing your face with a mild cleanser, you should exfoliate it with face facial scrub one to two times a week. This is a way to reduce the dead skin cells.
Keeping It Clear
To avoid further clogging of your pores, all cosmetics, lotions, and sunscreens should be oil-free! And remember to beware of hair products and gels, as they tend to be very oily. Look for product labels that read “noncomedogenic”, meaning they won’t clog pores.
– Benzoyl peroxide can be found in many over the counter acne medications. It kills bacteria that worsen acne, unplugging oil ducts, and helping to heal acne pimples.
– Retin-A is available with a doctor’s prescription, as well as in over-the-counter solutions at your local drug store.
– Antibiotics are available with a doctor’s prescription only. Antibiotics can be very helpful for acne that is swollen and red, or for acne that is not improving with other medications. The antibiotics kill the bacteria which contribute to whiteheads.
– Accutane is available with a doctor’s prescription only. Accutane is a very powerful pill – it is intended for people with severe scarring or acne that cannot be controlled by other medications.
You can also read: 22-Year-Old Woman Claims To Have Found A Miracle Cure For Her Acne And Confidence
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.