Dry Coughing Treatment Methods You Should Know

I fancy a good ambiguous poem, a pair of antique…
Although coughing can be of benefit since it helps in clearing your lungs from irritants such as smoke and mucus, it can still be quite the bother. Coughs can be caused by anything. However, those that are caused by a cold or the flu usually do not last long, more specifically for about one to two weeks.
It’s important to mention that if your cough lasts longer than that and you’re coughing up thick mucus, or are experiencing symptoms such as weight loss, fever, chills, or fatigue, you should make sure to contact your health provider.
There are the wet or chesty coughs, also known as the productive ones since they bring up mucus. They are usually caused by a cold or the flu and may be accompanied by a runny nose, postnasal drip, and fatigue. They are called wet because the body is pushing mucus out of your respiratory system, including your throat, nose, lungs, and airways.
Related: Coughing At Night – How To Stop Coughing At Night.
Dry coughs, on the other hand, do not bring up mucus. When you’re experiencing dry coughs, it feels like you have a tickle in the back of your throat that triggers the cough reflex. They tend to be difficult to control and occur because there is inflammation or irritation in your respiratory tract but no mucus to cough up. They are often caused by a cold or the flu. However, there are remedies you can follow to ease your dry coughing.

Dry coughing treatment methods
– Honey tea
Honey is said to be beneficial when it comes to treating coughs, according to research. To use honey as a way of treating dry coughs, mix 2 teaspoons with warm water or herbal tea. Drink the mixture once or twice a day.
Make sure to not give honey to children under the age of 1.
– Ginger tea
When it comes to a dry or an asthmatic cough, ginger, and its anti-inflammatory properties can be of benefit. What you can do is add 20-40 grams of fresh ginger slices to a cup of hot water. Let it steep a few minutes before drinking and then you can add honey or lemon juice in order to improve the taste.
However, you should be careful because in some cases, ginger tea might cause stomach upset or heartburn, according to Medical News Today.

– Gargle salt water
Saltwater reduces the mucus in the back of the throat and therefore reduces coughing. Simply stir half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until it dissolves. Let it cool and then begin to gargle it. Let the mixture sit at the back of the throat before spitting out. Proceed with the same procedure several times a day.
Make sure to avoid giving salt water to children since they might not know how to gargle. Swallowing salt water can be dangerous.
– Stay hydrated
Drinking fluids can help in thinning out the mucus in postnasal drip. Liquids also help in keeping the mucous membranes moist.
– Steamy showers and humidifiers
Hot and steamy showers help by loosening secretions in the nose. They can help to ease not only coughs from colds, but also from allergies, according to WebMD.
Humidity is very important in easing a dry cough. Humid air reduces irritation and also helps to break some congestion. If you’re using a humidifier, make sure to clean it properly to avoid it getting mold.
– Thyme
Thyme can be used as a culinary as well as a medical product. It’s a common remedy for coughs and sore throats. It’s said to be beneficial due to the antioxidants that it contains.
What you can do is look for a cough syrup that contains thyme, or make thyme tea by adding 2 teaspoons of dried thyme into a cup of hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes before you strain it and drink it.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.
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