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Everything You Need To Know About Hair Loss

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Loss

Suffering from hair loss? Well, don’t worry, it happens. Hair shedding is a very common problem – more common than you might actually realize, and everyone will experience hair loss at some point in their lifetime. It appears in both – men and women, especially after a certain age. We usually lose 50 to 100 hairs per day, and that’s normal because it eventually regrows, replacing the lost hair. However, if you notice you’re shedding way more than that, and it’s becoming visibly noticeable with thinning patches of hair in your head, check with your doctor to see how you can remedy the condition.

There might be many potential causes triggering your hair loss. Mostly, it’s related to heredity, hormonal changes, medications, or medical conditions. It might affect your scalp or entire body, appearing gradually or suddenly. Note that sudden hair loss is a sign of a medical condition, that, of course, needs medical care. However, when the hair loss is genetic, you’re prone to hair thinning, and you notice a gradual reduction in the hair volume and hair density. Hair loss can also be reactive which is associated with excessive shedding, usually stimulated by an internal imbalance.

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There are, however, ways to treat hair loss in both men and women, depending on the cause. As for what are the most common triggers of hair loss, scroll down to find out.



The most common cause of hair loss, hereditary male or female baldness gene can be inherited from your mother or father’s side. However, you’re more likely to have the gene if both your parents had the condition. Women affected by this condition experience thinning at the hairlines behind the bangs, but there are also cases when the hair loss spreads through the scalp. Meanwhile, a combination of genes and sex hormones causes this condition at men. Often, the hair recedes at the temples, leaving men with an M-shaped hairline.


Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Any thyroid imbalance can affect hair follicles. When the thyroid glands produce too much or don’t produce enough hormones, among other symptoms, you will also experience hair loss. Thyroid problems are more common among women, especially women over 50. With thyroid hormone medicaments, you can return the hormone levels to normal, which will help you with the hair loss and other symptoms.


Telogen Effluvium

Drastic changes in one’s life, like pregnancy, major surgery, extreme weight loss, or stress, often trigger the condition called telogen effluvium that causes hair loss. It can also be a side effect of several medicaments – antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and beta-blockers. Women notice the hair loss six weeks to three months after the ‘drastic change.’ Since there is no way of testing whether you have this condition, the doctor might ask you about recent events and changes in your life, to diagnose you.

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There are some treatments to reduce hair loss, replace damaged hair, or even stimulate regrowth. There’s also a limit to treatment, especially when the hair loss is linked to age or inherited, according to BetterHealth.

Essential oils are quite helpful when it comes to hair loss because they nourish the roots and improve blood circulation. They are liquids that derive from seeds, flowers, or plants, usually used in alternative medicine and aromatherapy. Follow us for the best essential oils for hair growth.

Rosemary oil stimulates hair growth and increases cellular metabolism. It also works as minoxidil which is a standard hair growth treatment, minus the scalp itching that comes as a side effect. If you want better results, combine several drops of rosemary oil with olive or coconut oil, apply it to your scalp and massage it gently. Leave it for 10 minutes.
Lavender oil speeds up hair growth and has properties that generate the growth of cells. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which improve scalp health. Again, mix several drops of lavender oil into three tablespoons of carrier oil (coconut or olive oil) and apply it to your scalp. Leave it for 10 minutes before washing. It’s recommended to do this several times per week.
Cedarwood oil stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss because it balances the oil-producing glands in the scalp. With antibacterial and antifungal properties, cedarwood oil treats different conditions that cause dandruff or hair loss. When combined with rosemary or lavender oil, cedarwood oil even reduces hair loss in people with alopecia areata.
Tea tree oil not only has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties like most essential oils, but it also has cleansing properties. When applied to your scalp, it helps unplug hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Additionally, a minoxidil and tea tree oil combo is quite useful in improving hair growth.
Clary sage oil strengthens the hair, thus making it more difficult to break. Add three drops of clary sage oil to your conditioner, or mix it with one tablespoon of carrier oil. Leave it on for 10 minutes, but if used daily, only leave it for 2 minutes and rinse it out.

When essential oils are applied directly to the skin, they might cause skin irritation or allergic reactions, but this is more common in people with sensitive skin. Therefore, apply a small amount of any of these oils in your arm and wait for 24 hours to see for any reaction.

You might also want to read: All Natural Hair Treatments Which Promote Hair Growth

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When it comes to hair loss, nutrient intake is vitally important. Ideally, everyone would consume foods that are heavy on nutrients from where you get all the vitamins, but supplements are also a great addition. The supplements are quite helpful for people who suffer from hair loss, hair thinning, but also for those who want thicker and longer hair. If vitamin deficiency is triggering your hair loss, taking supplements for that particular vitamin will help you with the condition. Taking a blood test will tell whether you lack in certain vitamins, and if so, your doctor will recommend a daily multivitamin. Here are the best vitamin supplements for hair growth.

Vitamin A – Cells need vitamin A for growth, and so does hair. This vitamin also helps produce scalp oil which moisturizes the skin. Vitamin A deficiency and vitamin A overdose, both cause hair loss, therefore check with your doctor if you really need this particular vitamin. Remember, balance is key. You can get vitamin A from eggs, milk, and yogurt, but the best source of this vitamin is cod liver.

B-Vitamins – Biotin is the best B-vitamin for hair growth. It strengthens hair follicles and can be found in a wide range of foods, meaning biotin deficiency is not really common. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, you will probably need supplements since animal foods are the best source of B-vitamins. You can get it from meat, fish, almonds, and leafy greens.

Vitamin C – is an antioxidant that protects hair from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. The body needs vitamin C to absorb iron, and to create collagen – an essential part of hair structure. Peppers, strawberries, and citrus are among the best sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin D – The lack of this vitamin causes alopecia, an inflammatory hair loss. Generally, vitamin D helps create new hair follicles, according to research. When in direct contact with the sun, our body produces vitamin D, while the other way of getting this vitamin is through foods like cod liver, fatty fish, some mushrooms, and fortifies foods.

Vitamin E – is also known for its antioxidant properties, and helps in minimizing the damage caused by free radicals. Used in dermatology since the 1950s, vitamin E protects the skin against aging, sun damage, and inflammation. This vitamin improves scalp circulation, adds shine, and balances oil production.

There are many factors that contribute to hair loss, and even though vitamins can be helpful, it’s best if you check with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet. Additionally, vitamins can be dangerous if you aren’t deficient which is another reason to see your doctor.

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Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.

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