6 Things You Need To Know About Gel Manicures Before Getting One

I am often struck with the desire to step off…
I am someone who pays very close attention to my nails. Before I was introduced to the world of gel manicures, my evenings always consisted of me removing the chipped nail polish and then painting my nails all over once again. It is hard, drudgery work, but I always deemed it worth it because my nails would be on fleek. Well, they’d be on fleek for full 4 hours before it would start to chip. Or I’d notice that they weren’t completely dried up when I went to sleep and now they have some, uhm, patterns. The only good thing about plain nail polishes is that you can change the color as often as you want and it’s a super easy process.
However, we can all agree that the reason why gel manicures have become so popular lately is that they have the ability to withstand an entire apocalypse. Okay, I might be overreacting a little but you get my point. Right? Well, gel manicures are a great way to save time as well as nerves. It won’t chip, it will last long, and it will look amazing as long as it is on your nails.
Have you ever tried gel manicure? Well, in case you haven’t, here’s everything you need to know about it.
1. It can weaken your nails.
Okay, so you might have heard that gel manicure makes your nails weak and prone to breaking. That is actually only partially true. What really can damage your nails is the removing process. So, if you’re not careful with how you remove your gel nail polish, then chances are your nails will be damaged by the end. Removing gel nail polish is a tricky business but it is not something you can’t do at home. There are a few things you need. Alumni foil, cotton swabs, and nail polish remover or acetone.
First, file down the top coat of your nails. Then take a cotton swab and dip it in acetone or nail polish remover. After that, place it on your nails and wrap the alumni foil around it. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes before proceeding to take the gel off with the help of a wooden orange stick. For more details, head here: How To Remove Gel Nail Polish From Natural Nails, or here: How To Remove Gel Nail Polish Without Acetone

2. No picking.
Maybe this one is obvious but I will say it anyways. There should be no picking at your gel. See, the thing is that gel nail polish it strongly attached to your natural nail. Picking at your gel will cause for it to chip, and possibly ruin your nail. Your nails might break and become uneven. They will be stripped off of their natural oils and end up looking unhealthy. So, make it a habit of yours to simply admire the good looking nails without picking at them. I mean, your gel nail polish will last much longer and look way better if you leave them alone. That means no biting, too.

3. It doesn’t dry up on its own.
If you think just painting your nails with gel nail polish and then going about your day, then you’re in for a treat. And I don’t mean that in a positive sense. After you’re done painting your nails, you have to cure them under a UV led light. In this case, the gel will dry right up. Usually, it takes around 30 seconds for the gel to harden, but it depends on the gel as well as the UV led light. The bottle of the gel nail polish usually tells you for how many seconds it should be cured under the UV led light. Something else that plays a crucial role is the UV lamp. Depending on its power, the gel will dry up differently.

4. Gel manicure vs acrylic nails.
Gel nail polish is exactly like every other nail polish, except that it needs to be cured under a UV lamp. They come in different shades and hues from which you can choose. However, acrylic is something else. Acrylic is a powder dipped in solvent. It is usually clear but it can have a few shades of nude. The purpose of acrylic nails is to harden the top layer of the nail as well as add length to them. So, people who don’t want long nails by adding tips to their nails can opt for acrylic ones.

5. It lasts up to three weeks.
Yes, you can kiss goodbye your regular nail polish. Gel nail polish can last two to three weeks without chipping. Since the gel is hard, it will keep your nails from breaking, which is a bonus added to the abundant benefits it has. The only downside is that your nails will grow and your real nails will show. But, there is something you can do about it. Take a regular glitter nail polish and apply it to the part that has grown and ta-da! Now you even have nice, cute looking design that looks a lot different from the previous one you had.

6. The cost depends on the design.
So, if you are familiar with gel manicures, you know that the expenses are quite some. But how much you will pay relies entirely on what you opt for. If you go for one plain color, then you won’t be paying that much. But if you want some lavish nails that will turn heads, beaded with jewelry and such, then be prepared to pay more.

Gel manicures are really everyone’s best friend. They are super easy to maintain, they basically don’t require any extra attention. And they can really come in handy especially during wedding season, or during holidays. One less thing to think and stress about. You just get them done and you do not have to think about them for about three weeks. Amazing. Am I right or am I right?
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