Dry Hands – Some Home Remedies You Need To Know About

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Winter has been here for quite a long time now, and there are still many days left until spring. Along with winter, came the unwanted dry skin – to be more precise – the unwanted dry hands. All we are left with until this cold season is over are the treatments we can do to our skin so it keeps the glam it needs.
Nevertheless, cold days are not the only cause of dry hands. Some other factors that trigger dry skin are dry air, excessive hand washing, an underlying condition, dehydration, medications, and your genes. So, as you may see, genes also are a cause of dry hands. In a way or another, you didn’t choose the dry hands, they chose you instead.

Now, we know that drugstores provide us with the many products with which we can treat every skin type, however, what better way to treat these conditions than from the comfort of our kitchen?! Whether facing an oily skin or dry skin, there are endless home remedies to treat it the proper way. So, the secret is not in the drugstore, after all, it is in fact in your kitchen.
Home remedies for dry and cracked hands
Since sometimes natural ingredients are the best method out there to fight dry skin on your hands, here’s a list of some remedies you can try at home for dry hands.
*Before trying any of the home remedies make sure you test it out in a small part of your hand and look for any allergy reactions.
1. Olive oil
Our skin is well kept when we make sure to add moisture to it. In case you didn’t know before, olive oil consists of healthy fatty acids and antioxidants which provide skin with moisture. With this said, olive oil is so good at fighting dry hands as it helps you hydrate your skin and makes the skin soft, and supple.
2. Honey
Honey contains antioxidants and antimicrobial properties so it is the perfect ingredient in your kitchen that can help you make your hands look young since it delays the signs of aging, making them soft.
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3. Oatmeal
We eat oats almost every morning without knowing the benefits they bring to our lives. Yes, there are benefits that oats bring for dry hands as well. Some of the goods that oatmeal brings us are exfoliation. It helps get rid of rough, dead cells on hands and this way it prevents dryness and moisturizes the skin. Since oats are rich in protein, they prevent water loss by hydrating the skin. Vaseline Intensive Care Deep Restore Body is another way you can use the benefits of oats. It consists of pure oat extract and Stratys 3 which provide the skin with the hydration it needs through the multiple layers of skin.
4. Milk cream
Moisturizers are the best when it comes to facing dry skin on hands. Milk Cream can also be used as a moisturizer since it contains lactic acid which exfoliates the skin. Since it is high in fat, you don’t have to mix it with anything else. You simply make sure to rub fresh milk cream on your hands and leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes and rinse it off with water. Repeating this process every day will leave you with soft hands.
5. Yogurt
Just as milk cream, yogurt as well can help you exfoliate and hydrate your skin since it consists of lactic acid. This is the easiest and the cheapest way to treat your hands the right way they deserve. All you need to do is hit the supermarket.
6. Lemon juice
Believe it or not, since lemon juice is a rich source of potassium, it helps you rejuvenate dry skin. So yeah, in a way or another, lemon juice does work wonders when fighting dry skin.
On a side note, you should remember that extremely dry skin can be a sign of a more serious condition. In case the home remedies are not helping, it is advised to see a dermatologist so they can give you the right prescription to treat dry hands.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.
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