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Home Remedies For Sore Throat: Here Is What You Can Do

Home Remedies For Sore Throat: Here Is What You Can Do

“Thank God I have a sore throat.” – said no one, ever. With the term ‘sore throat‘, we refer to any discomfort we might experience in our throat, be it itchiness, irritation or pain. A sore throat is caused by a viral infection. They are painful and even more than that, they’re annoying and can take quite a toll on you. It is usually not an issue that requires medical treatment, as it goes away on its own. But then again, any relief is more than welcome considering that it is not that much fun to cringe every time you swallow.

But, before you opt for medicine to ease the discomfort, have you thought about home remedies? The thing about home remedies is that they provide comfort in an all natural way. A sore throat lasts around 5-7 days until the viral infection goes away. The infection usually goes away on its own. However, we could all use something to make it more bearable until we wave it goodbye. Follow me and learn about some home remedies you can turn to when you’ve got a sore throat.


It does not come as a surprise that honey does wonders to our health. It is actually one of the oldest remedies and it has been used for health ailments all due to its amazing properties. Whether you add it to your tea or you just eat a spoonful of it, it is guaranteed to soothe the discomfort you are in. It is recommended that you eat two teaspoons of honey right before going to bed.

Source: Pixabay


Salt Water

I know what you’re thinking. “That must not taste good.” Truth be told, it does not. But, is it effective? Yes, sir. Get a glass of warm water and add half a teaspoon of salt. Mix the solution well and then take a mouthful. You’re not supposed to swallow it down, but simply gargle to help reduce the inflammation and the swelling as well as help keep your throat clean. Repeat this at least every three hours.

Source: Pixabay


Chamomile Tea

Not surprised, eh? Well, I am not. Chamomile tea is one of my favorite home remedies. It just seems to help with everything. Be it menstrual cramps or trouble going to sleep, chamomile tea is the hero in disguise. And it works with sore throats as well. It possesses natural soothing agents and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only does it soothe the soreness, but it also fights off the infection that has caused the sore throat in the first place.

home remedies for sore throat
Source: Pixabay


Baking Soda

So, let me guess. You’re thinking, Doesn’t baking soda already have enough benefits? Well, to me it seems as if its benefits are endless. That is why I turn to it for so many health ailments. What you can do is prepare a mixture just like you would with salt water. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of warm water and gargle. Baking soda will fight off fungi and yeast infection as well as help you keep your throat clean.

home remedies for sore throat
Source: Shutterstock


Apple Cider Vinegar

Here is another gargle you can try out in times when you’re dealing with a sore throat. First of all, apple cider vinegar has an abundance of benefits. Since it has antimicrobial properties, it is super effective in fighting infections. Although, be careful as it has strong acidic properties, as well. Mix one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of coffee and gargle at least once an hour. Make sure to drink lots of water in between the gargles.

home remedies for sore throat
Source: Pixabay


But please bear in mind that, if the sore throat doesn’t go away on its own after a few days, you should pay a visit to your doctor. I know it is annoying and you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, but home remedies provide natural relief which is excellent as they do not comprise your immune system in any way.


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