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Fight The Flu And Colds This Winter With This Homemade Syrup

Fight The Flu And Colds This Winter With This Homemade Syrup

While fall has always been my favorite season (hello sweater weather, scarves, pumpkin-spice everything, and gorgeous landscapes), I am also the type of person who, as soon as the weather starts cooling down, you can’t find me without a box of tissues and a red nose.

Yes, the flu and cold are a constant presence in my life during the colder months, and I would venture to guess, in a lot of yours as well.

So we need to incorporate as many teas, soups, broths, lots and lots of vitamin C, as well as a number of other foods that help fight and prevent the flu and colds, into our diets as we can. Which means, a lot of oranges, lemon, tomatoes, ginger, honey, yogurt, and even dark chocolate (yes!), to just name a few.

Another food that has several health benefits, relieving symptoms of flu and colds included, is carrots. With its sweet flavor and richness in fiber, vitamins C, B, and K, potassium, and antioxidants they’re a staple in a lot of recipes. Carrots are also great at relieving respiratory problems, like coughs, so if you mix carrots with lemon and honey (the OG flu fighters), you’ll naturally get a flu-fighting weapon like no other.

homemade syrup for the flu and colds

Other than that, carrots are also good for strengthening the immune system, and can even improve eyesight and lead to smoother skin, so they’re used in various natural medical recipes, like the homemade syrup we are about to show you.

What you will need:

  • 5 large carrots
  • Lemon juice (one whole lemon)
  • 4 tablespoons of honey

How to prepare it:

Cut the carrots into small slices and boil them for a couple of minutes. After boiling, let the carrots cool before mashing them with a fork and adding the lemon juice. After that, add the honey as well and mix them together.

After mixing, pour it in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.

How to use it:

Consume five tablespoons of the syrup a day until your symptoms disappear.

Advantages of the syrup:

According to Health Guide Genius, other than fighting the flu and colds, this syrup will also give you more energy, can help treat acid reflux, gastritis, and heartburn, as well as help with inflammation and soreness in the joints, bones, and muscle tissue.

Keep in mind that due to its sugar content, this remedy is not recommended for a diabetic person.


Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.

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This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal – Science Talking


Source: Healthguidegenius
From: Kingdemic

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