Snoring: Causes, Remedies, And The Factors That Might Contribute To It

I love to be loved, am fluent in silence and…
Snoring is a common problem among all people, but it is more likely to happen to men than women. It may occur occasionally or habitually and according to some estimations around 25 percent of adults are regular snorers and nearly half of them snore time to time. The sound of snoring is annoying and can be disruptive not only for the snorer but the other partner, or other people a snorer shares the room with. Ever asked why it happens?
It’s because when we sleep the muscles of our throat tend to relax, and the throat narrows. Thus during the breathing process, the walls of the throat begin to vibrate and snoring is created. The narrower your airway becomes, the higher the vibration and the louder your snoring. In most of the cases, you can try and change your lifestyle to stop snoring, in rarer cases, it might be an indication of health issues such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). To learn more about snoring causes, some remedies and some risk factors that might lead to snoring, scroll down this article.
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Older Age
The problem of snoring usually worsens with age. Our body tends to go through some changes as we get older, the throat tends to narrow and the muscles of the throat and mouth relax more. This leads to snoring. You might try and do some tongue exercises during the day, as they will strengthen the muscles and it will be less likely to snore during the night.
Sleep Position
The sleeping position might seem like a simple thing when it comes to influencing snoring but in fact, it can affect it. If you are a person who usually sleeps on your back then you are more likely to snore than others who sleep on the side.
Nose and Throat Conditions
There are certain conditions going on in your throat and nose that can cause snoring. Enlarged tonsils or adenoids, nasal polyps are conditions that narrow the throat during the sleep and it leads to snoring. A stuffy nose caused by colds or any allergies might lead to vibration or snoring. These conditions partially block your airway and make inhaling more difficult.
Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol before bedtime increases the likelihood of snoring. This because alcohol makes muscles relax more than is needed and they may collapse as you sleep. Also, certain medications such as tranquilizers and some other types of medicine might have the same effect and result on snoring or vibration as you breathe during sleep.
Being Overweight
If you are overweight, you will have more weight around your neck. Excess fat around the neck causes your airway to become narrower and thus it leads to snoring. Shedding off some pound might help you alleviate the snoring issue going on with you.
Other than that, snoring might also be caused by health issues such as sleep apnea, seasonal allergies, eating too much at night, pregnancy, etc.
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Snoring Remedies
Related: Snoring Home Remedies: 3 Simple Ways To Stop Snoring
It is very important first to find the cause of your snoring, so then you can find the right treatment and silence that dreaded sound forever. However, to treat mild snoring, we have enlisted some remedies that you can adjust to your routine:
Avoid Alcohol
Since we mentioned before, the alcohol causes your muscles to relax more than usual, so it is more likely for you to snore if you drink alcohol before sleep. Try to avoid it, at least 3 to 4 hours before hitting the hay.
Change Your Sleeping Position
People who sleep flat on their back are more prone to snoring than the others who sleep on sides. If sleeping on your back is a habit for you, try and attach a tennis ball to your back using tape. Thus when you sleep at night, the ball won’t let you sleep on your back but will make you turn on sides.
Lose Weight
People who are overweight or obese are more likely to snore than those who have average weight. This because the fat tissues in your neck will narrow your throat and it will be harder for the air to pass through. Try and shed some pounds to alleviate the problem of snoring.
Use Nasal Strip
To treat mild snoring you can use some devices that are available in the market. One of these helpful devices is a nasal strip. Apply a nasal strip to the bridge of your nose before sleeping and you’re good to hit the sack. However, older people might not prefer these kinds of devices because their skin is sensitive and might be damaged. Also, nasal strips aren’t effective if you’re suffering from sleep apnea.
Use Peppermint Products
If you think that your snoring is coming because of allergies or any nasal congestion, using peppermint products can help you deal with this problem. Take one or two drops of peppermint oil before you sleep and rub it to your nose. This oil most probably will you clear sinuses, and make it easier for you to breathe during the night as it shrinks throat tissue, therefore will keep snoring away.
Some factors that might increase the risk of snoring are:
Being male – men have a narrower throat than women and they tend to snore more.
Age – snoring becomes more common after the middle age.
Heredity – snoring may run in families.
Gaining weight and obesity.
Smoking – frequently exposed to smoking might cause snoring.
Drinking alcohol or using some types of medicines before sleeping.
Chronic nasal congestion during sleep – such as colds or allergies.
The aforementioned remedies can promote a good quality sleep but if none of them works and your snoring is interfering with the low energy you’re having the next day, probably it’s time to see your doctor. As snoring might disrupt not only your sleep but also that of your partner’s. Otherwise, if some alternations in your lifestyle are all that you need to treat snoring, an immediate improvement will come soon.
You might also be interested in: How To Stop Snoring: 4 Lifestyle Changes To Help You Sleep Better.