Social Media Addiction: Its Dangers And Symptoms

Nowadays, we are so used to social media being part of our everyday life. We have become very much depended on it that I wonder how would we react if they were shut down? When I say we have become depended on social media, I mean it. It’s obvious. Often times when we can’t reach someone through social media, we just stop bothering completely. We don’t think about other ways of reaching someone, say an actual phone call. It just seems that social media gives us quick access to contacting people. But with it come lots of dangers, and even becoming addicted to it. Sure, it is an easy way to pass time when you’re bored or waiting on someone, but it can slowly turn into an addiction. First of all, let’s talk about the dangers of social media.
The Stranger Possibility
Let’s face it. Nowadays it is super easy to impersonate someone on the internet. That’s why we have to be extremely cautious when it comes to talking to someone we don’t know on the internet. People nowadays set up blind dates with people whom they have never met before in real life. And I know that deep down this must sound exciting, but I believe that the dangers that come with such an idea outweigh the benefits you can have from it.

It Is Always There
Often times, we take to social media to post pictures of us or of our friends and we do it so thoughtlessly and recklessly that we don’t bear in mind any possible consequence that such action might bring. When we post something on social media, it is always there. Even if we delete it, it will still be stored somewhere in the database of the medium. So, next time, before you post a picture, please think ahead and think whether you want your future boss or life partner see it. Or whether you are comfortable enough with it so it cannot in any way be used against you.

Maybe we do it unconsciously or perhaps we are fully aware that we are comparing ourselves to someone whom we follow on social media. Such a thing is unhealthy as it leaves us never truly satisfied with the way we dress, the way we look, the things we eat, the places we visit, and so on and so forth. We end up feeling sad and distressed in times when we see someone doing better than we are.

I could go on and on but you get my point. Although as a concept, social media sounds fun, it has brought upon us an abundance of problems. And certainly, one of the problems is developing an addiction to it. We tend to use social media casually and carelessly which results in not paying attention to how much time we are spending scrolling up and down. If you’re not sure whether you’re addicted to social media or not, then please keep reading as I will elaborate on some warning signs that are indicators of addiction.
1. Likes are important to you
It is super important to you that your posts receive lots of likes and positive feedback. When you upload something on social media, you constantly go back to the post to check for new likes and comments.
2. You are on your phone 24/7
I mean, sure, you keep your phone with you because who knows just when you might need it. But having your phone with you doesn’t mean that it is okay to spend your entire time on it. But just the thought of being without a phone triggers anxiety.
3. Your phone is your best company
Do you often find yourself scrolling on Instagram while you’re out with your friends? Well, first of all, that is very rude, unless you have something important to take care of. And second of all, it is a clear sign that you are a social media addict.
4. You post every meal
Okay, I know that some courses look so freaking good that you just have to share it with everyone. However, if you catch yourself posting every dish before you eat it, then that is a definite warning sign of social media addiction.
5. No Wi-Fi is your worst nightmare
No Wi-Fi is a pain in the ass, especially if you’re waiting on someone for some news or to just catch up. But people who are addicted to social media feel a sense of anxiety when there is no wi-fi even if they have nothing important going on in the Internet world.
6. It’s your first activity of the day
Just like reading the morning newspaper. It’s quite normal to check your phone in the morning to see if you have any unread messages or to see if anyone has tried to reach you. But if the first thing you do is check every social media of yours to see the recent updates then that is not at all healthy.

The thing is that the sooner you realize that you might be using social media a little too much, the easier it is for you to take the matter into your own hands. You can start by measuring how much time you spend on social media and then slowly bring down the amount of time you spend there.
Before you go, you might not want to miss: Social Media Addiction: What It Is And What Causes It