Vaseline Uses On Face And Everything You Know About It

My goal in life is to live by the beach…
Taking care of ourselves, our skin, hair, appearance – has become one of the most crucial things there can be. This happens not only because we want to look good but health also plays a major role. Our aim is for as long as we live, to live a healthy life and stay away from everything that in a way or another messes up with our health.
Let us stop at the skincare routines that we go through so we can have that glamorous look and skin. In order for us to take care of our skin, we don’t necessarily need to break the bank as it doesn’t cost an arm and leg. In fact, we are offered so many options of the inexpensive products that we can easily purchase and have in our beauty essentials cabinets. One of the most talked products that has many uses is petroleum jelly or as it is widely known, Vaseline.

Read about Vaseline uses, starting from beauty and makeup to the health uses here:
Vaseline Uses – From Makeup And Beauty To Health
So, what is Petroleum Jelly made of?
The product of petroleum jelly which is also called petrolatum is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes which they form a semisolid jelly-like substance. The product was discovered in 1859 by Robert Augustus Chesebrough and it hasn’t changed much ever since. What caught Robert’s attention was that this jelly could be used by oil workers so they could heal their wounds and burns. Eventually, Chesebrough named the jelly as Vaseline.

The benefits that we get from the jelly, come from its main ingredient, petroleum. This ingredient helps seal our skin with a water-protective barrier. Thanks to this ingredient our skin gets healed as well as stays moisturized.
Is Vaseline and Petroleum Jelly the same thing?
Petroleum jelly’s original name brand is Vaseline. There is no difference between the name brand and generic brands. According to the company that makes Vaseline, which is called Unilever, they only use the highest quality ingredients as well as a special purification and filtration process. Nevertheless, there are some variations regarding consistency, smoothness, or even fragrance with Vaseline and generic brands. It is advised to read the label first, even though, it should be simply 100 percent petroleum jelly.
Vaseline Uses On Face
The reasons why vaseline is used on the face by so many are plenty. The first reason is that it helps you keep the skin from drying up and as well as chapping, especially during the winter time. The second reason is that vaseline acts as a protective barrier due to the extra layer of moisture film that it places on the skin. The third reason is that vaseline jelly is a heavily-hydrating product which helps the skin become more supple and smoother.
1. Vaseline gives your face a natural glow
What most of us aim for is those moments when we get ourselves a glow on, and this we can easily achieve by different products that are available on the market. Something else that provides you with the same trick, is applying some vaseline on the top of your cheekbones. Don’t forget to dab the shimmering “highlighter” down the bridge of your nose, as well as under brows so you can get that natural sheen.
2. Vaseline hydrates your face
Making sure our face stays hydrated is a key factor to our overall health. To keep our face hydrated we use daily moisturizers, but, did you know that you can also use vaseline jelly as such? Yes, when dryness occurs on your skin, all you need to do is provide your skin with moisture so you can help your skin. Face, lips, or body are the parts you can apply vaseline when your skin is dry.
3. Vaseline can be used as a lip balm.
As we mentioned above, vaseline can be used as a method to get rid of chapped lips. Nevertheless, you can also use vaseline for the beauty of it. It really looks like a lip balm when wearing it and gives the extra glow to your lips.
Another way you can use the jelly is to turn matte lipstick into shiny ones.
4. Remove stubborn eye makeup.
Now, truth be told we all have those experiences when our makeup is, ‘stubborn’ if I might say and won’t be wiped off. We have tried so many ways to get rid of it, and none of them have worked. When this happens to you, try dipping a cotton swab in Vaseline and rub it in the undereye and, Ta-dah!
5. Rejuvenate Dull Skin
Don’t we all want our skin to look youthful and radiant rather than tired and dry? Yes, I totally agree with you (and me.) Petroleum jelly rejuvenates the dry and tired skin creating a sealing barrier on the surface skin and locking in moisture while protecting the skin’s natural recovery process. You can use jelly on the sensitive areas such as around the eyes, to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and dry, flaky skin over time.
As you can see, using Vaseline on your face is a very useful method and your skin will for sure thank you from time to time.
Before you go, do not miss out on these home remedies you will probably need in the winter time for the cracked skin on your lips: These 10 Natural Remedies Will Help You Treat The Rough And Cracked Skin Of The Lips