Vitamin D Deficiency Most Common Causes And Symptoms

Have you been feeling kind of dizzy lately? Are you having mood swings? Is fatigue becoming an everyday concern you’re having? Have you asked yourself lately, how much time am I spending outside in the sunlight? If you are spending too much time indoors, your chances of dealing with vitamin D deficiency are high.
Vitamins and minerals perform hundreds of roles in the body when acting in concert. These essential nutrients help heal wounds, shore up bones and boost the immune system. Since our bodies produce skin, bone, and muscle every day, it’s important we take the right amount of these nutrients daily. There’s a fine line to be considered between getting too much of these nutrients (which can harm you) and getting enough (which is healthy).
The best way to get sufficient amounts of the vitamins and minerals you need is eating a healthy diet. Anyhow, sometimes even people who eat a healthy diet can develop a vitamin deficiency which leads to several health problems. People who are deficient in vitamin D get sick easily and often. Vitamin D is essential for immune function, bone strength, mood, and brain health. This vitamin is produced in your skin in response to sunlight, and otherwise, it is known as “sunshine vitamin.” That’s why it’s important to spend time outside in the sun.
Vitamin deficiency usually develops slowly, but its impact can be severe in the quality of life. If you suspect you have a vitamin D deficiency, we firmly recommend you consult your doctor. With regular health tests and exams, your problems can be identified earlier. During the early stages, the chances for treatment are better.
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Causes Of Vitamin Deficiency
You are in danger of experiencing vitamin D deficiency in case you are not aware of the factors which cause it. Make a balance between spending time indoors and outdoors. It’s not healthy for you to not get outside for long periods of time. Other factors include being in an area with high pollution, living in big cities where sunlight gets blocked by tall buildings and using sunscreen everytime you go out.
Then, there are factors like being obese, having a digestive tract which cannot adequately absorb vitamin D or your kidneys cannot convert vitamin D to its active form. If you have a dark skin can also contribute since the pigment melanin reduces the skin’s ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. Also, the food you eat is the number one factor to pay attention to.
Vitamin D Importance
Vitamin D is crucial and important in so many ways for maintaining bone health. Proper body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus is dependent on the vitamin D levels in your body. Also helps to facilitate normal immune system function.
Getting the recommended vitamin D amount your system needs means you are reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis, helping to reduce your likelihood of developing the flu and decreasing your chances of developing heart disease.
The right intake of this vitamin is also linked to weight loss. In a study conducted, it was found that the weight loss process boosted for people who were taking a daily vitamin D and calcium supplement.
Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency
When a person is deficient in Vitamin D, they can experience several symptoms which affect their overall being. One of the most common symptoms is fatigue and tiredness. Fatigue is a feeling of constant weakness and tiredness. It can be physical, mental or a combination of both. Studies show that feeling fatigued can affect your life badly. This condition is usually accompanied by headaches, blurry vision, slowed reflexes and responses, reduced immune system function, and poor concentration.
Photo by Bruce Mars from Pexels
Vitamin D deficiency can also make people experience bone and back pain, interfering with their daily activities. Having wounds or injuries, it takes longer to heal when you are deficient in vitamin D. Other symptoms to check for when suspecting you have vitamin D deficiency is hair loss and muscle pain. A study conducted with 120 children with vitamin D deficiency who had growing pains, found that pain scores can be reduced by an average of 57% with a single dose of vitamin D intake.
According to researches findings, insufficient nutrient levels can play a role in moodiness, such as irritability, depression and other mental conditions since vitamin D is vital and important to brain function. List of other signs includes gut issues, head sweating, weakness, and chronic pain.
To regulate the intake of vitamin D deficiency, including in your diet foods such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, cheese and beef liver helps. Other foods rich in vitamin D are dairy products, soy milk, egg yolks, cereals, and orange juice. You can as well balance the needed amount of vitamins in your system by taking supplements.
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