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8 Best Detangling Brushes For Painless And Defined Locks

8 Best Detangling Brushes For Painless And Defined Locks

Matting and knots are painful to detangle no matter the hair type. You can try all the treatments and use moisturizing conditioners, but it all comes down to the brush. However, it is a struggle to find a brush that can get the job done and is durable too.

The ideal detangling brush has flexible bristles that are soft but sturdy at the same so it can handle going through the hair without damaging it. Often brushing, besides tugging at your hair and causing scalp pain, takes a long time for those with coarse hair.

I have rounded up the best detangling brushes with soft bristles that won’t damage hair, a comfortable hangle so they can be easily maneuvered, and of different designs according to your hair type and depending on what brush shape you prefer.

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