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8 Face Masks to Treat Acne-Prone Skin

8 Face Masks to Treat Acne-Prone Skin

Dealing with breakouts and acne-prone skin can be frustrating and tiring. You may be someone who sticks to your skincare routine or tries new things to see what works best. Still, masks are for when you need to boost your face with ingredients and benefits your skin craves.

You may see DIY masks all over the internet; however, when it comes to acne-prone skin, they could be harmful. The best face masks for acne tend to be filled with ingredients that handle breakouts at their core, like natural oils or the infamous salicylic acid.

A good face mask needs to contain ingredients that are gentle enough, so the skin does not get irritated, yet detoxifying to remove excess skin oil. Masks that target acne-prone skin treat the whole face at once, exfoliate dead skin cells, reduce current and potential blemishes, and skin impurities. These are the best face masks for acne from high-end to affordable that work.

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