7 Majestic Libraries You Will Long To Visit

The rumours are true, I am a weird scarlet-haired combination…
Have you ever wanted to find a magical place where you could travel back or further in time, through different lands and dimensions? A place where you could meet so many personalities and creatures. A place where you could be anybody and nobody. A place of sheer wonder and exhilaration. Well, there are many places on earth that offer you everything we previously mentioned called l i b r a r i e s. A library full of tiny portals to other worlds is just what you need to try the taste of magic.
Luckily, there are so many libraries around the globe, with each having its own story and beauty. We will let you walk down to behold the glory of the 7 most fascinating, remarkable, and majestic libraries in the world.
Where Fantasy Meets Reality
The Old Library of Trinity College Dublin
The Old Library at Trinity College Dublin is one of the greatest libraries in the world. It is one of Ireland’s iconic treasures celebrated for its beauty and its world-class collections that span millennia. A treasure that must be protected and preserved, so it keeps inspiring every generation!
@melmadog It doesn’t get much better than this place #fyp #harrypotter #hogwarts #hptiktok #trinitycollegedublin
George Peabody Library, Maryland
The George Peabody Library is widely recognized as one of the most beautiful library spaces in the world. Apart from that, it is also an essential space for teaching and research. The library building opened in 1878 and was designed by Baltimore architect Edmund G. Lind, in cooperation with the Peabody Institute’s first provost, Dr. Nathaniel H. Morison.
This magnificent library possesses 300,000 volumes, mainly from the 19th century, with strengths in religion, British art, architecture, topography, literature, and history.
@staysandgetaways #maryland #dmvcheck #dmv #baltimoremd #johnshopkins #library #traveltok #mdcheck
Abbey Library of Saint Gall, Switzerland
Welcome to one of the oldest libraries in Europe, but also possibly the most beautiful ones! The earliest evidence of a library collection reportedly dates back to around 820 CE. In 1983, the library, as well as the Abbey of St. Gall, were designated a World Heritage Site, as “an outstanding example of a large Carolingian monastery and was, from the 8th century until its secularisation in 1805, one of the most important cultural centers in Europe”.
@lovelydamaride Una delle librerie più antiche del mondo! IG: Frekkkia #tiktoktravel #perte #library
Abbey Library of Saint Gall from another perspective…
@studyholmes_ 📍abbey library of st. gallen, switzerland #booktok #fyp #darkacademiaaesthetic #unesco #lightacademiaaesthetic
Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Brazil
This cultural institution was founded in 1837 by a group of forty-three Portuguese immigrants, political refugees. Their aim was to promote culture among the Portuguese community in the then-capital of the Empire of Brazil. Its captivating interior follows the Neo-Manueliene style on the covers and wooden bookcases for books and memorials.
@bycarlavianna bora conhecer a biblioteca mais lindo do país!! 🤩 #brazil #brasil #library #architecture #history #turismo #travel #riodejaneiro #passeio #vocesabia
Admont Abbey Library, Austria
Admont Abbey Library is one of the oldest remaining monasteries in Austria. It is a masterpiece of Baroque and Gothic architecture and one of the most precious historical landmarks of the country.
@shygizmo Walking into a fairytale. #Austria #visitaustria #admontabbeylibrary #admont #austria🇦🇹 #fairytale #disney #beautyandthebeast #library #Abbey
Wiblingen Abbey, Germany
One of the most majestic libraries in the world is also Wiblingen Abbey, which was founded in 1093 by counts Hartmann and Otto von Kirchberg. Wiblingen Monastery (Kloster Wiblingen) and its church depict the final masterpiece of Baroque architecture in Upper Swabia. The interior of the library is considered one of the finest specimens of Rococo architecture.
@michael.the.canadian Have you seen a library like this before? #library #wiblingen #abbey #germany #kloster
Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris
Cardinal Mazarin originally created the Mazarin Library as his personal library in the 17th century. Today it has one of the richest collections of rare books and manuscripts in France and is the oldest public library in the country. This rich and beautiful library contains about 600,000 volumes. The oldest part of the collection, brought together by Mazarin, contains about 200,000 volumes on all subjects.
@dinasarraj POV : you study in the oldest library in France 🏛🕯🍂 #paris #darkacademia #lawstudent #fyp
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