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13 Booty Transformations That Will Make You Start Squatting ASAP

13 Booty Transformations That Will Make You Start Squatting ASAP


Instagram is widely known for its wonderful and supportive fitness community, full of people who are not scared of being honest with themselves and sharing their progress as they work on their body. Instagram users share their inspirational before-and-afters on the social media platform, encouraging others to do the same for their health.

Booty transformations have continued to become more and more popular recently, and it’s completely understandable, of course. Accomplishing strong glutes contain numerous benefits, including higher metabolism, less lower back pain and more calories will be burned when you exercise because of the more muscle you have. If you need some motivation to get up and go to the gym to work on your glutes, check out these 13 determined women that will easily inspire you to grab some weights and start squatting.

On the left I worked out probably 3-5 days a week. Cardio, light weights, and under-eating. On the right I train at least 3-5 days a week, minimal cardio, heavy weights, eating A LOT. Moral of the story? It IS possible to build the body you want. It takes time, consistency, challenging yourself, and FOOD – I’ve been almost 10kg heavier, with lots of cellulite and an untoned body. I’ve also had times that I’ve been too skinny with a little cellulite and almost no shape, and now after years of training and correct eating I have more muscle, pretty much no cellulite at all, and am healthier than ever even after two babies. – for training programs [email protected] gym-based booty VERSION 2 being released very soon #BUILTNOTBOUGHT

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#transformationtuesday Left pic was exactly 8 weeks after having Cameron and right pic was today. I don’t usually post a ton of booty pics of myself, BUTT wanted to remind any discouraged Mommy or any girl for that matter, that hard work yields results. Your bootayyyy is a muscle, just like every other muscle in your body….Work that booty hunny and you WILL start to grow one…or shrink one…or whatever the heck you want to do to that thing Make sure you’re training specifically for whatever goals you have. Keep working hard, keep squatting, take your vitamins, eat properly, stay hydrated and go be awesome!!! Its not easy to do all those things perfectly all the time, but keep at it and stay committed to your goals. When I saw that picture on the left I remember saying to myself “Oh My…will I ever get back to where I want to be?” And I felt a little hopeless. I just started putting one foot in front of the other, got back to training legs with Coach Kev once a week and then incorporated a second leg/glute day at @bodyrockri and before I knew it, I was starting to see some great results. Write your goals down and stay committed to them even when you don’t feel like it. I promise it will pay off! #transformationtuesday #tfitnation #transformationnation #transformation #glutes #legs #dedication #fitness #wbff #wbffpro #workhard #bodyrockri #glutetransformation #bootybootybootybootyBODYROCKINeverywhere

A post shared by Nicole Costa WBFF Pro (@nicole_costa_fit) on



#transformation You CAN GROW YOUR GLUTES! First picture is January 2016 -> second is December 2016. Almost a year with tons of food, weights and rest!! FOOD- Trying to grow any part of your body isn’t going to be possible if you aren’t fuelling your body right! Eating in a surplus (more than your body is burning) for the passed year (+40-50lbs) has been super important for reaching my goals! TRAINING- Hypetrophy glute training!! Some of my favourite exercises are hip thrusts, walking lunges, cable kickbacks and split squats! Training them all in the 8-12rep range, ideal for building muscle. If you can walk after, kill your glutes harder 😉 REST- Your body doesn’t grown when you’re training, it grows when your body is recovering from your workouts! This means rest is just as important as training. Your body needs adequate rest time! Supplements I take: @womensbest BCAAs and protein! #womensbest

A post shared by Mackenzie Forbes (@kenziefitness_) on



I swear building a butt is literally the hardest thing ever! So many pages just show you before/after photos from point A to point B but don’t explain all the stages of hard work that goes in between that. I didn’t just go from my “2015” photo to my last photo “2017.” Between these photos, I have done 2 shreds & 1 (year long bulk)! Between these photos, I have been very consistent with my diets (the diet is different for a shred/bulk.) Between these photos, I felt like I would never make progress but kept going! Between these photos, I trained really hard lifting heavy weights with a countless amount of reps. Between these photos, I became a believer in hard work and dedication. Between these photos, I learned that time plays a huge part in seeing changes. Between these photos, I realized that I can’t compare myself to others and that my transformation is great from my starting point. I want you all to know that YOUR evolution within your fitness journey is incredible too! The biggest advice I can give you is to simply keep going. Educate yourself on what it takes to cut body fat and what it takes to build lean muscle mass. The sooner you accept that they can’t be done at the same time and that you need to step out that comfort zone then results will come in! ………………………..

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How to actually build a bum 101 Somehow I managed to go from a TEENY human to a less teeny human with a peachier peach in just over a yr. I will share with you my (not so) secrets: ➡️ AIR SQUATS WONT HELP YOU Seriously stop that strange fire hydrant thing ur doing in front of the mirror. Accept the fact that you’re going to have to venture into the weight section and LIFT HEAVY (heavy for you, you don’t have to be squatting 70kg straight away). You will have to learn how to pick up a barbell, how to squat, deadlift and hip thrust. Compound movements are going to be your best friend. It’s not as scary as it sounds tho Best booty exercises: Barbell hip thrusts, glute bridges, deadlifts, lunges, leg press ‍♀️ ➡️ Isolation (lighter) exercises are fabulous and should have a place in your training, but they *shouldn’t* always take up the maj of your gym sessions. Aka things like kickbacks, donkey kicks, high rep squats can be rlly good supersets or finishers but they’re not where the money’s at ma frands ➡️ You need to put lots of tension on your muscles & make them WORK HARD. Make your muscle realise that it needs to stop being a lil bitch and grow back BIGGER & stronger. This is why heavy weights will be your best friend (and worst enemy) ‍♀️ ➡️ Eat some damn foooood girl!! You will make minimal (if any) progress on operation POPPIN BOOTY if you’re severely restricting your calories / eating lettuce leaves for the majority of your meals. Muscle growth requires FOOD Carbs are important, don’t neglect them. Also ensure you’re getting in enough protein (0.8-1g per pound of body weight is the recommendation), as protein aids muscle growth. Try and get a lil in every meal you have. Even as a vegan/vegetarian! There are heaps of fabulous protein sources . Also be patient! Unfortunately (yes I’m sad too) your body won’t change in a few weeks. Stay consistent and in a few months you’ll be well on your way to having a perkier and stronger derrière. . *EDIT* I’ve expanded on this post and written a Q+A on my blog, find it on my Insta story!* . Ps this was 2015 ➡️ 2017 #transformationtuesday

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Here’s a lil hump-day transformation for you all It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but I am so proud of my progress I wanted to share it with ya’ll ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2 years between these pictures and a LOT of learning. On the left AC and I were doing Kayla’s BBG Guide (no disrespect – we learned a lot!), but I was depriving myself of lots of things, namely food and self-love ❤️. Whereas on the right I NOURISH my mind body and soul. I’ve learned SO much about training (which is all written down in @thegains4girlsguide !! If you know you know, or if you’re curious hit the link in our bio or join the FB group). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Girls if you’re constantly hungry and anxious about your body then it’s time to think long and hard about what you’re putting yourself through. Fitness should ADD to your life, not take away from it. Anyhow just gonna leave these booty gains here for you all. BIG love and thank you for the support, LP⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #TheGains4GirlsGuide #G4GG #G4GGirls . . . . . #workoutvideo #workout #workoutguide #gainingweightiscool #gymotivation #iifym #fitspo #bbguk #fitness #fitfam #ukfitfam #sweatwithkayla #girlgains #motivation #girlswholift #fitgirls #fitnessgirls #bbgprogress #fitnesstransformation #screwthescale #strongnotskinny #kaylaitsines

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See Also
ASMR Makeup


Girls this is what lifting and eating does to you so stop being terrified of them:) Left picture was in 2015 -@ 46 kg. Right picture is today- @ 61.8kg. For those who don’t know,I struggled to eat,not because I didn’t wanted to put on weight ,but due to other more serious issues.I started from having one meal a day ,to eating 6 meals ,and the only way I successesed was because I lifted heavy which simply made me hungry all the time. Was difficult at first,I remember pushing food and drinking water,but it got easier.The moment I stop training,my eating appetite decreases. My main goal was always to put on mass and so I did. There is never one exercise that will magically work and grow your booty! No! I tried absolutely everything in the menu there is for growing my butt and legs and I only kept what works for me,and I always went from heavy to heavier . I know exactly what isolates gluteus,what isolates hamstrings and what quads . I hope this will inspire you to keep on growing and understand that its a slow process and results will show up once you do are dedicated and committed to succeeding. Love M ——————————————————————— TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS ——————————————————————— Workout&Diet plans [email protected] #thick #thickwomen #thickthighs #bulking #fitbymilly

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Someone asked me the other day how much I squat and I was like umm I don’t! Squats are an amazing compound movement and should definitely not be discounted. But I hate squats so I never squat. Luckily for me, squats aren’t the only exercise that grow the booty! Want to grow ? Incorporate hip thrusters, glute bridges, cable kickbacks, banded abductions and lateral band walks into your workout routine and watch that peach grow! If you want to know about the research behind this, you should def give @bretcontreras1 a follow and basically read everything he’s ever written Remember, results are seen with consistency, dedication and SMART work work smarter not harder peeps! PS I have started training with a new trainer and she’s making me squat so don’t freak out guys!

A post shared by Madalin Giorgetta (@madalingiorgetta) on


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