10+ Signs That Your Girlfriend Really Cares About You

I fancy a good ambiguous poem, a pair of antique…
Relationships can be tricky. Basically, they should be a place of peace, love, and care among both sides. But one can’t deny the fact that in every happy relationship, there are also arguments, and little fights. But, if you and your partner are committed to making things work, you will look past the differences and solve each problem.
Since people as individuals differ from one another, we can’t expect for each relationship to be the same. Because they are not. What brings each relationship in the same page is the fact that there should, among others, be love in each of them.
However, there are certain signs and things that are clear indicators of love, i.e. generally speaking. We can scroll below to explore a few of them:
1. She believes in you
She believes and sees your potential, and she brings it forward. She is willing to help you see it too.
2. She shows support
Support is very important in a relationship. And if she tries to help you in achieving your goals, and supports you emotionally, just know that she really loves and cares for you.
3. She checks up on you
In relationships, it’s important to pay attention to the little things. How your partner is feeling at that moment, whether he/she had a good day or not, you know these simple details mean a lot and can really strengthen a bond.
4. She pays attention
Talking isn’t necessarily communicating, and communicating isn’t simply talking, it’s also listening. If your girl shows that she can actually listen to you and pay attention to what you have to say while trying to understand the core of your problems, then she is really making effort into making the relationship work.
5. She shows up when you need her
Showing up isn’t always being there physically. Sometimes people are miles and miles away and can’t make it. Showing up can be simply being there to listen, being there to help. Not making your partner feel lonely in times of need.
6. She stays honest
Honesty is honestly one of the most important traits in a relationship. Honesty is also a sign of respect, and if a relationship has mutual respect then you’re on the right track.
7. She expects mutual honesty
As said, honesty is a key component in a relationship. And if it’s not mutual then something will always be off. So if your partner is true to you, then value them and give the same amount of honesty in return.
8. She is an individual
What we mean is, no one should be carried away in relationships without first knowing what their own personal wants and needs are. If your partner respects her individual life and isn’t tied to the relationship only, know that you can rely on her for she knows herself and therefore she is strong.
9. She respects your individual life
If your partner knows that you also have an individual life, family, friends, hobbies – things you sometimes need to do on your own, know that she is a keeper. Giving you the space you need is important.
10. She is proud of you
If she is constantly willing to show you off to the world, to bring you to parties with family and friends, and if she isn’t afraid to tell people you love one another – then my friend, she really loves and is proud of you.
11. She respects the people you love the most
She shows effort and respect for the people you show effort and respect because she knows they are important to you.
12. She stays consistent with you
She shows signs of consistency with you. She shows that she can always be there for you and not simply when it’s convenient.
13. She is herself
She doesn’t try to fool you into thinking she is someone else. She tries to show you her true personality from the very start.
14. She loves you for who you are
She loves you just the way you are. With all your little flaws and quirks, she accepts you and doesn’t want to change you into becoming someone else.
This list of things can undoubtedly go both ways. These signs are in one way or another, indicators of love, care, and commitment, and if your partner does these, then you seem to be in the right relationship.
Read also: The Real Side Of Relationships Has Been Creatively Depicted In These Illustrations.