Menstruation Symptoms: What They Are And Remedies To Sooth Them

When girls hit puberty, they experience some quite drastic changes in their body. Something that becomes a monthly occurrence for them is periods. Downright annoying and a pain in the ovaries, there’s not much we can do about periods without causing permanent damage. But instead of throwing tantrums due to menstruation symptoms, women just suck it up and take on periods like champs. I mean, in most cases you can’t even tell that a woman is on her period. They carry out everyday tasks, run their errands in gracefulness no matter the time of the month. There is a feminist quote that says, “Anything you [men] can do, I [women] can do bleeding.” And I believe that speaks volumes.
However, periods can be pain-free, painful and at times even excruciating. I mean, during your period, your uterus’ lining is literally shedding, which causes it to contract, so it comes as no surprise that such a process causes pain. But cramps aren’t the only thing on the list of menstruation symptoms.
Menstruation symptoms
They are different for everyone. Some people experience severe menstruation symptoms, while others aren’t bothered much by them. They can be so bad that they interrupt a woman’s daily activities. John Guillebaud, a professor of reproductive health at University College London, said to Quartz that patients have described the menstrual cramps as ‘almost as bad as having a heart attack.’ But camps are not the only menstruation symptom. Let us go more into detail about each and every one of them and see what we can do to alleviate the symptoms.
They usually begin one or eventually two days before you start bleeding and they last at least two more days after the bleeding begins. See, the reason why you feel pain during these days is that during your menstrual cycle, the progesterone hormone builds up the lining of the uterus with blood and the needed nutrients in case of pregnancy. Therefore, when there is no pregnancy, the uterus literally sheds this lining, causing discomfort and pain. One of the best remedies for cramps are ibuprofens and paracetamols. Something else that works is filling up a bottle with warm water and then press it against your stomach.

Ever noticed how you feel bloated during your period? You feel as if your stomach is heavy and swollen ever one or two days before your period begins. So, what’s going on when you feel bloated? Well, it all comes down to hormonal changes, respectively the fluctuating level of estrogen and progesterone. What you can do in these times is avoid salty foods, and opt for those that are rich in potassium. And remember to exercise! Something that works on some women is the birth control pill, however, some have said that they have felt more bloated with the pill.

Sore breasts
Although this one is more of a PMS sign, some women experience breast soreness in the first and second day of the period. Here’s what is going on: estrogen causes the breast ducts to enlarge while progesterone causes the milk glands to swell up which results in painful and sore breasts. What you can do is set them free! Take off your bra and rather let them be for a few days. Trust me, they will thank you.

Ah, our favorite… No, not really. When you’re about to get your period, you’re simply too irritated to even deal with anything or anyone. It seems that everything that happens is solely to piss you off. And something that never helps? Being told, “Oh, is it that time of the month?”. Again, this is the hormones’ wrongdoings. Try out relaxing techniques, for example, meditating, yoga or simply take a long soothing bath.

Feeling tired
Tiredness and fatigue before and during periods? CHECK. Why does it happen? Well, you guessed it. Hormones. When your period starts, the level of estrogen in your body decreases, which makes you feel tired. Something else that directly affects you is the bleeding, especially if you have heavy periods. A little tiredness and fatigue are completely okay but you should seek immediate medical attention if you are feeling exhausted all the time.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.
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