Essential Oils For Hair: Effective Tips For Healthy Hair

Due to their healing properties, essential oils have become a staple in every home. People have been using these cure-all oils for minor health issues, home cleaning products, skin complaints, hair…the list just goes on and on. And while they go way, way back to the ancient times, essential oils remain a hot commodity even now, thanks to their many benefits.
Among others, essential oils have been known to promote healthier hair. We use so many hair products for a ‘good hair day,’ but often forget about the toxic ingredients that come with these products. And let’s not even start ranting about companies charging us half an arm and most of a leg for the simplest product.
Whether you have dry hair, oily hair, or combo hair, essential oils will help fill up your locks with natural oils that are stripped from the hair due to the toxins we mentioned, or even environmental factors that can impact our hair.
Essential oils are the safest choice for our hair as they’re all-natural and free of chemicals. They’re an excellent remedy for dandruff, will strengthen your strands, and stimulate hair growth. Long story short, they’re miracle workers.
Best Essential Oils For Hair
If you’ve decided to give essential oils a try, which I bet you won’t regret, then you can add them to your shampoo, conditioner, or other hair care products. However, if you want to apply them directly to your scalp, you should always dilute first as they can cause scalp irritation.

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Don’t miss out on Essential Oils Classification
Ylang-Ylang Oil
The ylang-ylang essential oil is best known for stimulating sebum production. While it’s perfect for people with dry scalps, those with oily hair might want to skip this one. Moreover, ylang-ylang oil improves hair texture and will minimize hair breakage. According to Longevity, this oil is also an ingredient to some products that treat lice.
Healthline suggests mixing five drops of ylang-ylang oil with two tablespoons of warm oil and gently massaging the scalp. After leaving it for 30 minutes, rinse it off with water. Good hair day, here I come!
Clary Sage Oil
Clary sage oil has antidepressant, anticonvulsive, antiseptic, anti-infectious, and many other properties, as well as has soothing components. It also works as a remedy for stress-induced hair loss. Together with jojoba oil, clary sage regulates oil production in the skin, thus avoiding dry and flaky scalp that often leads to dandruff.
As said by Healthline, you can combine three drops of clary sage with your favorite conditioner, or with a tablespoon of carrier oil. Apply it to your scalp and leave it for two minutes before washing it off. As a result, you will have stronger strands.
Cedarwood Oil
This wood-scented oil encourages hair growth by balancing oil-producing glands in the scalp. According to a study, mixing cedarwood oil with lavender, thyme, and rosemary oil will help improve symptoms associated with alopecia areata after seven months. Among others, cedarwood oil is an insect repellent that can be quite helpful during summer nights. You’re more likely to find cedarwood oil in smaller health food stores.
Mix a few drops of cedarwood oil with two tablespoons of your favorite carrier oil and apply it to your scalp. Massage it gently for ten minutes then wash it off. It’ll do wonders to your hair, really.
Tea Tree Oil
Due to its cleansing, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties, tea tree oil is one of the best oils out there. It stimulates hair growth and helps reduce dandruff, therefore it’s often found in hair products. Tea tree oil keeps hair follicles clean and healthy, as well as unclogs them to stimulate natural oil flow.
Healthline suggests combining around ten drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo or conditioner for daily use. Or you can mix three drops of it with two tablespoons of carrier oil and leave it for 15 minutes. Either way, your hair will look healthy.
Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil works great for both greasy and dry hair. It increases blood flow to the applied areas, as well as balances natural oil flow, both helping with dandruff, claims Organixx. Peppermint oil also helps in lice treatment. According to a paper published in 2007, mixing peppermint with eucalyptus oil can be as effective as commercial lice shampoo treatment, while another study shows that it promotes hair regrowth.
Mix two to three drops of peppermint oil with your favorite carrier oil and massage the scalp, Organixx suggests. Leave it for 30 minutes then wash it off. Believe us when we say your hair will thank you for it.
You can enjoy essential oil benefits as long as you follow the safety guidelines, which according to AromaWeb, are:
- Never use undiluted essential oils for the skin or add them to the bath
- Be careful when using essential oils for children
- Never use more than it’s needed
- Some of the oils can cause allergies reactions, irritation, or sensitization in some people
*For further questions or concerns, please consult with your doctor.
To conclude, essential oils are quite beneficial when it comes to hair, are pretty easy to use, and are very affordable. They contribute to the health of your hair by increasing growth, strength, and shine.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.