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How To Stop Coughing: 6 Ways That Will Help You Ease Your Coughing

How To Stop Coughing: 6 Ways That Will Help You Ease Your Coughing

Coughing can be irritating. Especially if you happen to be in a meeting, lecture, or in any small space where you’re supposed to keep quiet. But apart from that, it can be irritating even when you’re all alone. And you cough, and cough, and keep thinking about the times when you were cough-free, and you could speak without having to worry about triggering another round of coughing.

Coughs can be caused by anything. Those that are caused by colds and the flu generally only last about one week or two. However, if you see you’re dealing with a cough that lasts longer than that, and you’re coughing up thick mucus then you should contact your doctor. Contact your doctor also if you’re experiencing other symptoms such as weight loss, fever, chills, or fatigue.

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps in protecting your lungs by clearing them of irritants like smoke and mucus. Coughing, however, is also associated with a cold or flu. Coughs can either be dry or chesty, that is to say, either unproductive or productive. Chesty coughs are usually productive since they produce mucus, meanwhile, dry coughs are usually unproductive since they don’t produce mucus.

How to stop coughing?

While it’s a general agreement that coughing tends to be irritating, there are also ways one could ease it or even help in stopping the continuous coughing. Scroll below to learn more on how to stop coughing.

1. Drink water

According to WebMD, drinking fluids helps in thinning out the mucus in postnasal drip. An upper respiratory tract infection like a cold or flu is the cause that leads to postnasal drip. Extra secretions go down the back of your throat and irritate it, this way, causing a cough. Liquids also help in keeping the mucous membranes moist.

2. Honey and lemon

Hot liquids with lemon and honey function as cough remedies for short periods of time. You can use plain hot water or hot tea and then add honey and lemon. You can also have this remedy as often as you want. However, you should be careful not to give honey to children under the age of 1.

3. Humidity

Humidity is very important when it comes to easing a cough. Humid air reduces irritation and also helps to break some congestion. For this remedy, you can use a humidifier or steamy bathroom. You should be careful to clean the humidifier in order to avoid it getting mold, which would not be good for your cough.

4. Steamy showers

Hot and steamy showers help by loosening secretions in the nose. They can help to ease not only coughs from colds, but also from allergies, according to WebMD.

5. Lozenges

Menthol cough drops can numb the back of the throat and therefore lower the cough reflex.

According to Everyday Health, sucking on a lozenge may help to ease the tickle of a cough. Zinc lozenges might be helpful in fighting coughs, however, study results are mixed. Everyday Health suggests that the lozenges only work if they release about 18 milligrams of ionic zinc, that is to say, only a few zinc lozenges on the market provide that amount of the mineral.

6. Spoonful of honey

Just a spoonful of honey can calm a cough periodically. Honey has proven to be quite effective when it comes to calming coughs, maybe even more than over the counter cough medications. However, you should be careful not to give honey to children under the age of 1, because honey contains botulism spores that although are not harmful in adults, in children under 1-year-old it might cause botulism poisoning.

Note: It’s important to keep in mind that if a cough is persistent and doesn’t seem to stop after a while, you should make sure to check in with your doctor because it might be a sign of a more serious problem.


Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.

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