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Vitamin Deficiency Common Symptoms And Health Risks

Vitamin Deficiency Common Symptoms And Health Risks

Living in an era when it feels like we are in a race with time, it’s not easy to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of everything you’re eating and putting in your body, right? People say it’s difficult to focus greatly on self-care with so much going on in everyday living. It’s hard, yes, I get it. It’s not easy to ensure a balance of leisure time in your schedule. It’s not easy to make time to get enough sleep, to prioritize healthy meals, again and again, to exercise, to make time for family and friends, because of this and that and that and this…  But, at the end of the day, when facing major health problems, would all the stress and effort on other areas really make sense? When was the last time you asked yourself What do I need to change in myself for myself? 

If you are facing vitamin deficiency, we know the answer. Your doctor knows the answer. You know the answer, too: Change your diet. It’s important to eat vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy and other food rich in nutrition. But maybe you have been eating a healthy diet, yet still facing this problem. This could happen if you have been using proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) for a long time now, cholesterol-lowering statins, diuretics, or other medications. These can interfere with the body’s ability to utilize, produce or absorb crucial nutrients.

Other factors which can interfere with the body’s absorption of nutrients include excessive alcohol or coffee intake, chronic dieting or stress. Vitamin deficiency usually develops slowly, but its impact can be severe in the quality of life. We strongly recommend you consult your doctor if you suspect you have a vitamin deficiency. With regular health tests and exams, your problems can be identified earlier. And the earlier the better are the chances for treatment.

Below we are going to list for you some of the most important vitamins and minerals your body needs to have in the needed amount in order to thrive at its best potential. If you have a deficiency in one or more of them, find out which are the symptoms.

vitamin deficiencies symptoms risk

Source: Shutterstock


Vitamin D

Vitamin D, nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin” since it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight is essential for immune function, bone strength, mood and brain health. You may be deficient in vitamin D if you are not spending enough time outside in the sun. If you suspect you are lacking in D, look for signs such as fatigue, muscle weakness, bone loss, poor immune function, and depression.



Magnesium is a mineral involved in detoxifying toxins and heavy metals. It’s crucial for tooth and bone health. It can usually be found in foods such as nuts, seeds, whole grains, sea vegetables, beans, leafy greens, and dark chocolate. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include cravings for chocolate, fatigue, muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, irregular heartbeat.


Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats are healthy fats usually found in mackerel, tuna, sardines, and salmon. For vegetarians, you can get it eating foods such as flax, chia, and walnuts. These fats are critical for brain and heart health. Also, are used for inflammation prevention. People who are deficient in omega-3s face symptoms such as fatigue, flaky and dry skin, mood disorders.


vitamin deficiencies symptoms risk

Source: Shutterstock


Vitamin E

You can literally live longer if you take care of the levels of this vitamin in your system. Having the proper amount of this vitamin in your body means you are protecting your heart, preventing cancer and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The ones who face deficiency, have increased chances to get lung cancer, prostate cancer, stroke, and respiratory disease.


Vitamin K

If you want to ensure you have the proper brain function, strong bones, and heart, then take care of your intake of the vitamin K. When facing a deficiency of this vitamin, you might suffer from weakened bones. It also manifests as tooth decay and bleeding/bruising easily. You can take vitamin K with foods such as spinach, cabbage, leafy greens, eggs, and fish.


Vitamin B

When facing a deficiency of vitamin B group, the person can experience several signs which include dementia, depression, fatigue, anemia, mood swings, muscle weakness, and poor memory. Vitamin B is essential in so many processes in our body and mind, that its deficiency can really lead to a poor quality of life. It is mostly found in foods such as ham, whole grains, milk, chicken, and meat.

vitamin deficiencies symptoms risk

Source: Shutterstock


Read also:  The Best Option For Vitamin Deficiencies Treatment Is Changing Your Diet


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