7 Oily Face Treatments You Should Know Of

My goal in life is to live by the beach…
Since you are here, then most probably you are struggling with oily skin and to be honest, that is not fun at all. However, what is left for us to do is find the right way how to treat oily skin and the treatments we should follow – whether they are skin products you can buy in the pharmacy or home remedies. Before starting with the oily face treatments, let us see the causes of oily skin and everything one should know regarding it.
When it comes to taking good care of your skin, it’s important to know what skin type you have. Instead of trying out different cleansers and moisturizers until you find the right one, it’s much easier to simply understand the science behind your skin. In case you have defined your skin type and that is oily skin, then you should know that the reason why you might have oily skin is due to a large amount of sebum that is produced in your body.
In order for us to have a soft and supple skin, our body produces oil, and sometimes too much sebum is produced. For you who haven’t heard of sebum before, this is the oily substance which comes from sebaceous glands. Thanks to the sebum, one’s skin, and hair, is properly moisturized. This also might lead to acne flare-ups and oiliness which are some of the leading acne causes.
Read more about oily skin causes here: Learn About 8 Causes Why Your Skin Is Oily
Oily Face Treatment
Because of oily skin, breakouts can be caused and this leaves your complexation looking shiny. Due to this one might feel self-conscious or sometimes bad about their appearance. However, your skin type doesn’t define you as a person and it is not unhealthy, however, it can lead to acne since it clogs your pores. Genetics is also one of the oily skin causes and since there’s not much we can do about genetics, there are some steps you can follow to regain control of your complexation and achieve young-looking healthy skin. Follow me below for 7 ways to treat oily face according to SiO Beauty
Related: Everything You Should Know In Case You Have Oily Skin
1. Use the right cleanser
As much as we want to get rid of oily skin, we, of course, do not want to leave our skin looking dry and unhealthy. What you should avoid using or use sparingly are products with ingredients such as sodium and ammonium lauryl sulfate, mineral oil, petrolatum, and isopropyl palmitate since they have the tendency to treat your skin harshly.
Instead of that, you can use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil for the face or Sio Beauty’s Décolleté Cleansing Discs for the neck and chest. In case you are facing very oily skin on other parts of the body, then what you need to use is something stronger such as salicylic acid like Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash.

2. Use a toner
It is advised to incorporate a toner into your daily routine after you are done with removing the excess oil with the appropriate cleanser. Toner can be beneficial for those with very oily skin since they provide further oil-absorbing effects. Many of them contain antibacterial agents that can remove surface impurities and prevent breakouts.
If you want to help tighten your skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, and keep your pores clear, then toners are the right products since they contain lactic or glycolic acid. Before you go to bed, make it a routine to use both, a cleanser and a toner so you can remove your makeup and other impurities that can build up during the day.

3. Moisturize
Even though you have oily skin, that does not mean you shouldn’t moisturize it. Keep in mind that there is a difference between oil and water and they have different effects on your skin.
Oil-free products are what you should be looking for when choosing a moisturizer – rather than heavy cream. Another benefit can be the products that contain hyaluronic acid since they exhibit astringent and antibacterial properties. Make sure to use a product with non-comedogenic formula since this way you don’t clog your pores further with your moisturizer.

4. Avoid touching your face
From time to time we find ourselves touching our skin unconsciously and that can be a real catalyst for oil production. Having too much pressure whether in a meeting, a date or whatever going on in our lives, leads to us touching our skin and it is exactly these actions that can introduce bacteria and hand oil into an already oily face.
From now on, you might consider paying attention to what our hands are doing when sitting at your desk at work, or simply watching TV. If by a chance you notice your hand going in the direction of your face, stay still and fight it while keeping them occupied elsewhere. What’s advised to do is hold a pencil or a pen in your hands, or grab a glass of water with both of your hands, this way they won’t be near your face.

5. Eat right
You have probably heard the expression ‘you are what you eat,’ however, this is not the case with oily skin. We are aware of the common belief that oily skin is caused by oily foods. False (unless you are rubbing it on your face…) Some oils like fish oil and healthy fats such as nuts can in fact help reduce and prevent breakouts brought on by oil skin since they have anti-inflammatory properties.
Dairy products, sugars, and processed carbohydrates like chips and muffins can have a negative effect on our oily skin. Avoiding these foods is what’s best for you and try focus on lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables on your daily basis.

6. Use blotting papers
We already covered the fact how much using a gentle cleanser in the morning and before bed – is important to get rid of excess oil. However, there should be something for you to do between cleansings so you can prevent the shiny skin. Some out there recommend dusting with powder, however, this can be a little bit messy and accelerate the problems associated with oily skin.
What you can do in this case is carry a pack of blotting paper or rice paper is another synonym used for those. The blotting paper can absorb the oil and sweat that cause shininess in the middle of the day.

7. Use the right sunscreen
The same thing happens with sunscreen too, people avoid it just as they do with moisturizer thinking that it can add oil to their skin. But, in fact, sunscreen can help you control the shine brought on by oil production if used correctly.
Look for a mineral-based formula that includes micronized zinc or titanium dioxide. As an alternative, you can also choose a formula that includes denatured alcohol to make the skin matte. In addition, be sure to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen (protects against UVA and UVB) with an SPF of 30 or greater. And remember to apply even on cloudy days!

Following these treatments such as using the right cleanser, toner, moisturizing your face, avoid touching it, eating healthy food, using blotting paper and protecting your skin with sunscreen, will give you the result wanted.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article: text, graphics, images, and other materials contained are strictly for informational purposes only. The Content is NOT intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified health provider with all the questions that you have related to, or about, a medical condition.
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