Here Are 6 Common Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is one of the most unique vitamins because it can be made in the skin from exposure to sunlight. That is why it is also known as the “sunshine” vitamin. If you are suspecting you might be deficient in vitamin D, keep in mind that spending too much time indoors is the main cause. Reduced outdoor activities are bad for your health in so many aspects.
Sun is the most important factor to all beings on Earth as it gives, energy to all life forms on Earth, by growing green plants and providing the foods and oxygen for life. We need this energy for a healthier life. Since obtaining enough vitamin D from natural food sources alone is hard because only a few foods are a good source of it, exposure to some sunlight is a must for maintaining a sufficient vitamin D status. And the best way to get vitamin D into our system is to expose ourselves in the sun rays. However, avoid sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. since these are the peak hours when the sun’s UV rays are strongest and can be damaging.
Vitamin D deficiency is common worldwide and it affects almost 50% of the population. Another important element to be taken into consideration is your skin color. People who have a naturally dark skin tone must know that their skin absorbs more UVB rays in the meaning of their skin compared to white people. That is why it is required more sun exposure for them to produce the same amount of vitamin D. To be more certain three to five times longer exposure.
The synthesis of vitamin D in the skin gets reduced by more than 95% if you are wearing a sunscreen every day with a sun protection factor. Since Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is present in most cells and tissues in the body is important you increase the time amount you spend outdoors.

In order to reduce the risk of vitamin D deficiency, it’s recommended you change your diet. We all want to look good, feel good, have no problems with our mental and physical health, but how much effort are we putting to it? Obesity is closely associated with vitamin D deficiency. Starting a healthy diet will help you not only with the vitamin deficiency, but can lead you to a new and better way of living.
Food is our number one source of energy. Our body needs several vitamins and minerals so it can function properly. Deficiencies can cause complications in these functions in our bodies. Below we are going to list a few signs and symptoms stated by Healthline which were reported by people who suffer vitamin D deficiency.
1. Fatigue and Tiredness
These two are some of the most significant symptoms when a person is deficient in vitamin D. Fatigue is a feeling of constant weakness and tiredness. It can be physical, mental or a combination of both. This condition is usually accompanied by headaches, blurry vision, slowed reflexes and responses, reduced immune system function, and poor concentration.
2. Getting Sick Too Often
Vitamin D has an important role in keeping our immune system strong. With a strong immune system, you are able to fight off bacteria and viruses that cause illness. Contrary, you are more prone to getting sick. People who have insufficient vitamin D in their system, usually get sick with colds and flu very often.
3. Slow Wound Healing
Vitamin D increases the production of compounds which help on wound-healing and new skin forming process. Another sign to pay attention to which might be alerting you have a vitamin D deficiency, is a slow healing of wounds after injury or surgery. According to a study which has been conducted with injured patients has found that patients with wounds are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency. And there is a tendency toward better wound healing in people who undergo a vitamin D regimen to counter their deficiencies. At the same time, people who experience a slow healing of wounds after injury, are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency.
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4. Bone and Back Pain
Vitamin D is crucial and important in so many ways for maintaining bone health. Proper body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus is dependent on the vitamin D levels in your body. People who do not have sufficient vitamin D into their system usually experience bone and back pain, which interferes with their daily activities.

5. Muscle Pain
Muscle pain is strongly related to vitamin D deficiency. Plotnikoff notes that vitamin D is a hormone. Greg Plotnikoff, MD, senior consultant with the Allina Center for Health Care Innovations in Minnesota, when speaking to WebMD referred to vitamin D as a hormone. Plotnikoff said:
Every tissue in our bodies has [vitamin] D receptors, including all bones, muscles, immune cells, and brain cells.
I’m supposing now you are realizing how important it is for our overall health to regulate the levels of this vitamin in our system.
6. Depression
According to researches findings, insufficient nutrient levels can play a role in moodiness, such as irritability, depression and other mental conditions since vitamin D is vital and important to brain function. List of other signs includes gut issues, head sweating, weakness, and chronic pain. (Signs And Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression)
Vitamin deficiency usually develops slowly, but its impact can be severe in the quality of life. If you think you have a vitamin D deficiency, we firmly recommend you consult your doctor. Identifying the problem at an early stage is better since you have better chances to treat it properly.
Check out also: Vitamin Deficiency Common Symptoms And Health Risks
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