Possible Causes And Symptoms Why You Might Have A Dry Scalp

The first thing that someone notices about us, is definitely our hair as they can really give our personality a totally different look. That is why it is very important for us to take care of our hair, and prevent our scalp from several conditions such as dandruff and dry scalp. If your black jacket is covered in white flakes and it’s not snowing outside, your scalp is probably to blame.
Most people don’t know why and which scalp issue they are experiencing. It’s crucial to understand what condition is causing it so that you can address it properly. Of course, it’d be best to visit a doctor or a derm for that, but let’s face it, most of us just google it, and I’m guessing that’s why you’re here.
However, you should know that dry scalp does not necessarily mean you have dandruff. Dry scalp is related to a tight and itchy scalp, while dandruff is when there are pieces of dead skin in hair. One might have a dry scalp but not dandruff, while another might have dry scalp dandruff too.
One of the most common causes of scalp dryness is due to dehydration because we don’t drink enough water during the day.

Another cause is probably due to low temperatures outdoors, hard water, and hard chemical shampoos. Some shampoos sometimes contain very harsh and even toxic ingredients that can contribute to the appearance of dandruff and a dry scalp.
The buildup of such chemicals on the scalp weakens the hair follicles and disrupts the acid mantle which leaves the scalp vulnerable, thus, making your hair look dull, lifeless, and prone to breaking and falling out. In worst case scenarios, if dry scalp is left untreated, it can even lead to hair loss and other serious issues.
Actually, there might be a few reasons why you find your fingers reaching out for your scalp to scratch it, so here are a few signs and causes.
If you feel an irritating itch in a specific part of your scalp, this can indicate that your scalp might be getting dry which later can lead to dandruff too. Although you might not necessarily flake at this point, this is not something you should ignore.

Hair products
There are certain products that can irritate and even trigger scalp dryness. Such products may contain harsh chemicals that cause scalp itchiness. However, sometimes it has nothing to do with products but rather how often you’re using them. Washing your hair every single day can strip your scalp of its natural oils. To prevent that, opt for a natural shampoo or one that does not contain ingredients such as:
– Parabens
– Alcohol
– Formaldehyde
Apart from the products, you should also keep an eye on your overall hair care routine. Sometimes using heated styling products too can lead to pulling moisture away from the head. Our scalp produces a natural oil called sebum. Obviously, sebum is stripped away if you shower or use heated styling products every day. Keep in mind that heat is the enemy, so avoid using curling irons, hair dryers, and flat irons as often as possible. However, if you must use them, make sure you use a heat-protectant spray or moisturizer.
This one is a skin condition that causes redness, itchiness, and flaking in various parts of the body. If one area of your body is itchy and flaking, then obviously, chances are that the same is happening on your scalp too. The earlier stage of seborrhea is scalp dryness which is then followed by dandruff.
It’s important to note that scalp dryness can also be caused by more serious conditions such as eczema and scalp psoriasis, and you should always consult your doctor to get you the best treatment to tackle this condition.

I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. We don’t realize that our bodies need much more water than we typically give them in a day. Yes, partially you can blame dehydration to weather conditions, but it’s mostly a reflection of our choices. We usually tend to focus on hydration only when we feel thirsty. Staying hydrated is essential for our overall health, including the scalp. When you’re hydrated, your scalp is hydrated too, meaning you will cut the chances of flaking and also get rid of irritation and inflammation. And by hydrated I don’t mean just drinking water although it’d be good to stick to at least 8 oz glasses of water every day. You can also stay hydrated by eating fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. Moreover, stay away from drinks and beverages that may dehydrate you like soda and alcohol. As refreshing as they may seem at the time, they actually don’t replace any of the fluids your body loses.
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