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8 Signs Your Tongue Uses To Tell You About Your Health

8 Signs Your Tongue Uses To Tell You About Your Health

Do you pay attention to your barely-there symptoms? Well, the thing is that we should be very aware of what our body is trying to communicate to us. Whether we are talking about brittle hair or nails, a dry, flaky skin or simply an unusual tongue color, they are all signs that something is not right. While in most cases these symptoms are not a cause of concern, it is highly recommended that you pay attention and see a doctor if the condition does not go away by itself.

And a lot can be revealed about your health through your tongue. Whether it has red bumps or white spots, it could be a sign of an underlying condition.

Here is what your tongue is saying about your health:

Bumpy Tongue

A bumpy tongue is something you shouldn’t be worried about. Actually, up to 14% of the US population have this condition and it is pretty normal.

Small White Patches

This is a condition we usually see in people who smoke. It is painless at first, there is a 5% chance that it develops into cancer. If you are not a smoker, then this condition could be caused by harsh things rubbing against your tongue, however, if this condition doesn’t go away on its own in two weeks time, see a doctor.

Cottage Cheese White

This condition is more serious. White lumps over your tongue could indicate that you have a thrush, which is a yeast infection. A yeast infection is caused by candida and it usually springs up when your immune system is weak. So, if you’ve been taking antibiotics, there is a possibility that your immune system is weak, hence why the infection appeared.

Strawberry Red Tongue

A red tongue is not a healthy one. It signifies that you have a vitamin deficiency, particularly iron or B12.

Wrinkled Tongue

As we grow old, our tongue grows old too. It’s a normal process of our lives. But, problems can occur if you’re not careful with your mouth and they can lead to a bad breath.

Black, Hairy Tongue

This is a condition that tells you that your oral hygiene is poor. It is not a health concern, however, you should try and pay more attention to your hygiene. It is something that is caused by coffee and cigarettes.

Red Lesions

This is something that can appear from time to time. But if this occurs to you regularly, it is a cause of concern and an early sign of possible tongue cancer. You should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Mouth Sores

Stress is the main cause of mouth sores. Even though they disappear within two weeks, they are extremely painful in the first four days. These sores usually appear on the cheeks, lips, and mouth.


Here. Take a look at this picture, then take a look at your tongue to see if you can identify your condition. If not, go ahead and see a doctor who will guide you towards further treatment.

signs tongue health

Apart from how your tongue looks, you should also pay attention to how it feels. For example, if it burns, then it could be because you’re using the wrong toothpaste. However, try not to diagnose yourself, and instead, see a doctor for any concern you have.


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Source: Stethnews

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